Sunday, September 15, 2019

September 9, 2019 (Final Post)


Here is some final pictures that his Mission President sent just before he came home:

Sunday, September 1, 2019

August 26, 2019 (Week 99)

Out of the mists of darkness...

This week moisture has finally started to come back to the city!  At night it has become very misty and makes it dark much earlier.  But not complaining because it makes it a whole lot cooler!  This last week as we taught Paola as we were verifying before we started the lessons she mentioned to us how she had been reading about the Prophet and the word of wisdom in the gospel library app, and those were the exact two things we were planning on teaching that day!  And the same exact thing happened the next lesson!  She is so prepared by the spirit.

We´ve also been able to find three families this last week that were all former investigators-  very good stuff!  Everyone has a different question of the soul.  At the end of the day, it is just important to be in the place where the Lord wants you to be; and luckily he has allowed that to happen to us many times!

Anyways, a solid time, love you all, talk to you all very soon!

-Elder Varney

Elder Varney and the Chavez Family

What Elder Varney sees every day... Traffic and Cathedrals

Elder Varney and his Companion, the "Two tall White Gringos" in Mexico

Sunday, August 25, 2019

August 19, 2019 (Week 98)

Trudgin along!

This week was a textbook missionary week.  Had a good time with Paola, our new-ish investigator we found a week ago.  She´s already halfway through first Nephi and has been reading a ton after we showed her the gospel library app, and she accepted a fecha bautismal for the 31st!  A true tender mercy from the Lord.

In other news, it is still blistering hot down here, but at least we haven´t gotten dengue fever (like other missions...) so, can´t complain!  We had another great experience with Martìn, another investigator; when he shared with us how for the past year or so he has had dreams with his parents and grandparents always in them.  And recently as he´s started reading the Book of Mormon his parent´s have been very happy in his dreams!  What a great opportunity to teach about family history!  Anyway, we hope everything keeps on going well with him, we´re just sweating along down here.

Love you all, see y´all real soon!

-Elder Varney

Elder Varney with some of his past Companions

An early morning P-Day sunrise!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 12, 2019 (Week 97)

Wow, what a powerhouse of a week!

This week started off with a bit of uncertainty of how the Lord was going to get more prepared people to us, but we decided to continue on in faith regardless.  and on Wednesday the spirit directly guided us to a house that we had visited many times before, but this time we visited we found a young adult that was very happy to see us.  Turns out she had been praying for an opportunity for the missionaries to teach her and on that day we found her!  Anyways, she was able to come to church and is already in 1 Nephi 20, so we're very grateful to the Lord to have found her!  

Anyways, this last Sunday was a blast, we had to teach the elders quorum class and were able to keep all the elderly people awake with our discussion on the gathering of Israel.  Now they understand that it is their responsibility to gather the people of Israel.  

Anyway, just a great week, nearly everyone we wanted to come was at church, a ton of less actives coming back and everyone very excited!  Anyways, can't ask for more, we are definitely here on the Lord's errand, under his direction!  Thanks for all of your prayers on our behalf, they sustain us!

Love you all!

-Elder Varney

Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 5, 2019 (Week 96)

Rollin with the punches!
This week we had lots of "punches" I guess, but it wasn't too much bad stuff.  We ended up having to go to Aguascalientes for two days for some capacitaciones/trainings, but it ended up being a good time, since we were able to hang out with Presidente and Hermana Redd a whole lot; they are great examples of living the gospel and are really just there to help us out and to love us so much, it was a fun/hilarious time with them!

It was a good set to trainings, especially that they'll be my last trainings in the mission, hitting a lot more of those 'last' events, its getting pretty crazy!  Speaking of firsts and lasts, yesterday we assisted at a funeral of the wife of a faithful elderly brother in the ward.  She had been bedridden and suffering for lots of years, so it is nice for her to have some rest now.  I remember how three days earlier me and my companion had been practicing the priesthood ordinances and got to the blessing of a grave and I remarked saying "I never have and probably will never perform this ordinance in my whole mission." Well two days later the Lord proved me wrong...

Oh well, anyways we are just chuggin along down here in Terrazas, lots of people making sacrifices for us and for the work in general; nothing I'd rather be doing than be in the Lord's work!

Love you all!

-Elder Varney

Sunday, August 4, 2019

July 29, 2019 (Week 95)

The final chapter...

Or at least the final transfer. Almost the same thing.  Breaking out a brand new daily planner for the last time... Feels strange.  But enough with that trunky talk.  This last week was a fightin´ one.  We started off with a rad zone conference from President Redd. (the first one we´ve gotten from him)  One cool thing we learned is that although the Lord will have us wait for answers on some questions, in some cases revelation can come almost immediately. For instance if every morning we ask for one thing we can improve on, he will give us something right away.  Powerful stuff!

Right after the conference we were able to have a very enlightening lesson with Martín, we were able to get the whole restoration to him in less than fifteen minutes, and in the end he was very excited to have a Book of Mormon.  He is a person who feels very lonely and is having his needs met by the gospel, one by one.  Also this week we had the spirit literally guide us to knock on some doors and in both cases we found people who immediately received us; one a brand new investigator and another a before unknown less active.  Good stuff!

Anyways of course I am staying here with Elder Clawson for my last transfer here in Terrazas.  I sure am grateful to be here with so many great faithful disciples of the Lord!  Anyways, love you all, talk to ya again soon!

-Elder Varney

Elder Varney with two of his "greenie" missionaries he started out with

Sunday, July 28, 2019

July 22, 2019 (Week 94)

Really nailed it this week!

Haha, just thought of that because a while ago another companion of mine stepped on a nail but didn´t realize it till we got back to the apartment.  Somehow the nail went between his toes and didn´t do anything.  A tender mercy of the Lord, I guess!

Well anyways this week was definitely a powerhouse.  Able to get lots of stuff done off of our to do list from our weekly planning, and in return the Lord gave us even more people to replace the old ones!  The highlight was definitely this Sunday.  We had our investigating family and three less actives we´ve been visiting show up, and to top it all off at the end someone showed up out of nowhere and wanted to be taught by us!  All by 11:30 in the morning!

Anyways, this new person is called Sergio and I think we had one of the most spiritual lessons so far in my mission with him.  He probably listened with the most true intention I´ve ever seen, and is very prepared by the Lord.  We´re hoping and praying that he can continue to use the gospel to light his life!  Anyways, we´re just going on in the heat down here, great to hear from all of you, take care!

-Elder Varney

Elder Varney's current District

September 9, 2019 (Final Post)

HE IS HOME! Here is some final pictures that his Mission President sent just before he came home: